
Learn to Live Life

Living untethered is trusting you will get to that step, that key moment when you unleash your inner genius and see your idea of ‘living the dream’ manifest through focus and right action.

Allow the magic to happen.

Some are focused on achieving “value-driven” results with the sense that if you work very hard, you will successfully accomplish what you’ve set out for. Personally, I found I was much more successful in visioning the end result and allowing the magic to happen.

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing the manifestation of an idea or dream - where you want to be, who you’d like to work for, or maybe what group or organization you want to be a part of and have it become your reality, or when it doesn’t, the result is so much better than you fancied -- welcome to my world. If you haven’t, it may likely sound crazy or “airy fairy” right?

We are all about protecting what matters most.

We are all about protecting what matters most.

We are all about protecting what matters most.

Our Mission

What you believe is your reality. Our realities are most determined by how we perceive ourselves and our world…just talking facts.

What Our Warriors Are Saying

"Leading with our extensive resilience planning experience across multiple sectors, we take a No-Bullshit, Take-No-Shit approach. We’re straight-talking, direct about what matters most and passionate about what we do; our brand isn’t about achieving a certain lifestyle or monetary gain. We’re here for brands big and small, protecting the next generations by helping them anticipate the results of no action."

Dennis Warrior, CEO & Founder, Lightspeed

"Leading with our extensive resilience planning experience across multiple sectors, we take a No-Bullshit, Take-No-Shit approach. We’re straight-talking, direct about what matters most and passionate about what we do; our brand isn’t about achieving a certain lifestyle or monetary gain. We’re here for brands big and small, protecting the next generations by helping them anticipate the results of no action."

Dennis Warrior, CEO & Founder, Lightspeed

"Leading with our extensive resilience planning experience across multiple sectors, we take a No-Bullshit, Take-No-Shit approach. We’re straight-talking, direct about what matters most and passionate about what we do; our brand isn’t about achieving a certain lifestyle or monetary gain. We’re here for brands big and small, protecting the next generations by helping them anticipate the results of no action."

Dennis Warrior, CEO & Founder, Lightspeed