Who the Hell is Nobody?!

Untethered You
April 3, 2024

Dictionary.com - Nobody (pronoun) 1. No person; not anyone; no one: Nobody answered so I hung up 2. a person of no importance, influence, or power.

I recently was discussing the launch of my website with a friend and shared how I spent some time contemplating whether to have a blog or a podcast and how I ultimately decided to have both. Their immediate comeback was swift stating nobody looks at blogs anymore and I'm paraphrasing, stated blogs are currently outdated and useless. I replied that I read blogs, I like blogs and once again, my input was summarily dismissed while adamantly reinforcing their fact that nobody reads blogs anymore and that everyone everywhere just wants to listen to podcasts ending with they, in particular, did not read blogs.


What's unfortunate is I thought about this conversation a little too much and I must admit I know this dear friend did not mean for me to carry away any negative energy. I nevertheless, replayed our conversation for more days than I care to admit before looking at it with a new mindset.

A.   Why do people make declarative statements stating nobody like it’s the human majority of the universe? Newsflash – it’s not.

B.   Nobody is not a large group or even a small subset of people, it’s typically one freaking person’s opinion! Party of one that perhaps on occasion should simply be quiet and sit down.

C.    These individuals should obviously see their way out of this conversation unless they can share what “they” singularly, have the ability to provide -- for example, a personal experience on that special subject and can honestly contribute practical information, not fiction.


By no means am I saying individuals who like to use this particular phrase when giving their opinion are essentially a “no” “body” of people that deign to approve or disapprove. What I am saying is in these instances, there is no quorum or meeting of the minds, there's not even a vote happening – it’s solely a party of one. And all I want to understand is, why does one individual get to set the parameters for a mob that doesn’t even exist  – it’s a valid question.


You see, I was told some time ago to never to share much of what I am creating with others because if I received a negative comment, it would make me doubt what I’ve created or was creating. When I heard this, I didn’t think too much about it but after having “a crowd of one” travel through my thoughts intermittently for several days, I remembered thoughts are things and asked myself the question -- do I let this grow or do I relax and release?

When you know...you know

When you believe you can do it, the how-to-do-it develops

-      Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics